Overstrand’s water management is the best in the country!

Overstrand’s water management is the best in the country!

Overstrand Municipality’s water management scored a whopping 99.99% in the national Department of Water and Sanitation’s (DWS) Blue Drop rating process, which was the highest score of all metros and local municipalities in the whole of South Africa for the management of drinking water quality supplied to its residents.

This was revealed in the 2023 full Blue Drop Report that was released by the Department of Water and Sanitation on 5 December 2023.

144 Municipalities covering 958 water supply systems, were evaluated on their drinking water compliance; management plans; the capacity and condition of the infrastructure; whether the required maintenance is being done on the infrastructure; whether the infrastructure is operated correctly; whether the proper treatment processes are followed; whether proper monitoring and controls are in place; and whether the staff have the necessary skills and qualifications.

Overstrand also received the award for the best performing Water Services Authority (WSA) in the country, with a total Blue Drop score of 99.9%. All eight Overstrand water schemes achieved Blue Drop status, i.e. scores of more than 95%, and six of the Overstrand plants achieved the 6 highest scores in the country of the 958 water systems.

The City of Cape Town achieved the second highest score in the Western Cape with 98.1% and George Municipality was third with 94.95%. According to the Blue Drop Performance Barometer, 15 Western Cape municipalities improved on their blue drop scores; with the remaining ten municipalities that regressed on their municipal blue drop scores.

Overstrand Municipality, with service provider, Veolia Services SA, manages nine water treatment plants with the capacity to produce 60 million litres of drinking water per day.

“Overstrand residents can be assured that they are drinking the best water in the country directly from their own tap. Our team has done us proud in achieving this coveted award,” said an elated Overstrand Executive Mayor, Dr Annelie Rabie.

The Blue Drop Report stated that the Overstrand Municipality impressed with the co-operative way in which they provide potable water to their customers with their service provider, Veolia Water. During the assessment, it was clear that their relationship is built on trust and mutual respect, with continuous communication between the two entities being key to their operations. The Regulator experienced a well-prepared team during the assessment and all information provided was relevant to the process.

Overstrand Municipality, with a total score of 101%, also achieved the top position in the country in DWS’s No Drop certification programme, which evaluates municipalities on their water demand management programmes, i.e. the management of a municipality’s water losses and non-revenue water.


Overstrand Municipality received prestigious trophies for being the top performer in South Africa with a Blue Drop Score of 99.99% and a No Drop score of 101%. Pictured with the awards are Overstrand Director of Infrastructure and Planning Directorate, Stephen Müller, Coenie Loubser (Veolia Overstrand Operation Manager), the MMC for Community Services, Cllr Ronald Nutt, Isak Heneke (Veolia Superintendent), Overstrand Executive Mayor Dr Annelie Rabie, the MMC for Infrastructure, Investment and Tourism, Cllr Clinton Lerm, Municipal Manager Dean O’Neill, Deputy Director of Infrastructure & Planning Hanré Blignaut, Manager for Water Infrastructure and Quality Patrick Robinson and Vuyo Maliwa, Superintendent: Water & Wastewater Monitoring.
Overstrand Executive Mayor, Annelie Rabie and the Mayco Member (MMC) for Infrastructure and Investment, Councillor Clinton Lerm with the coveted best performer trophies.
On Tuesday, 5 December 2023, the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS), led by Minister Senzo Mchunu and Deputy Minister Judith Tshabalala, conferred awards for the best performing municipalities on their Blue and Green Drop Certifications as part of the release of the incentive-based regulatory reports held at Emperors Palace in Ekurhuleni. The full Blue Drop and No Drop reports were released simultaneously with the ceremony held to also to recognise the top-performing Water Services Authorities (WSAs) of 2023, based on their assessments. Pictured here are Overstrand Municipality’s Manager for Water Infrastructure and Quality Patrick Robinson, Minister of Water and Sanitation, Senzo Mchunu, Overstrand Municipality’s Deputy Director of Infrastructure & Planning Hanré Blignaut and Veolia Overstrand Operation Manager, Coenie Loubser.
Previous Overstrand Municipality launches Festive Season Safety Operational Plan

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